Diary/Walking2013. 7. 19. 01:06

간단 정리:

  1.  체중 1파운드는 3500 칼로리  (3500 칼로리를 태우면 1파운드 감량)
  2. 1마일을 걸으면 평균 100 칼로리 소모. (5마일 걸으면 500 칼로리...)
  3. 하루 만보 걷기를 권장하는데 1마일 평균 2000보.  (5마일을 걸어야 만보).
  4. 권장 스피드는 시속 4마일 (15분당 1마일) -- 개인 형편에 따라서 가감.


How many calories do I need to burn to lose one pound?

One pound of body fat is equal to 3500 calories.

A healthy rate of weight loss is approximately one to two pounds per week. If you are losing faster than that you may be losing bone and muscle mass in addition to fat. In order to average one pound per week it would be necessary to burn an additional 500 calories per day. (7 days a week X 500 calories per day = 3500 calories.)

If you do not have the time or energy to burn the additional 500 calories a day you can use a combination of calorie reduction and exercise. Such as burning 300 calories a day through exercise and reducing calorie intake by 200 calories.

How many calories are burned walking one mile?

This will vary depending on the individual, speed walked, terrain, etc. An average is 100 calories per mile.

What should I eat prior to a race?

Eat something high in carbohydrates. My choice is usually oatmeal, dry whole grain cereal, a whole wheat bagel, or sometimes a power bar, and a banana. Do not eat anything heavy or fatty, eat too much, or eat anything that might upset your stomach (this will be different for each individual). Whatever you eat should be something you have previously tried, so you know how you react to it. It is best to eat at least an hour before start of the race and be sure to drink water also. Urinate at the last minute prior to starting the race, and completely empty your bladder.

Be sure to drink water during and after the race. If possible eat a good combination of carbs and proteins after the race. It is also important that you have had enough carbohydrates and water the few days prior to the event.

How many steps in a mile?

One mile is equal to 5280 feet. Most people say it takes about 2000 steps for every mile. Of course everyone's stride is different. An average stride is usually somewhere between 2 and 3 feet in length. So on average it takes between 1760 and 2640 steps to complete one mile.

To measure your stride mark a distance of 50 feet. Now walk this distance and count your steps. Divide 50 by the number of steps and that is your stride length. Now, divide 5280 by your stride length to find your "average steps per mile".

What is considered a good fitness walking pace?

An average fitness walking pace is close to a 15 minute mile. But, a good pace will vary depending on your fitness level, walking technique, walking goals, and terrain. For general fitness walking you should walk at a pace that increases your heart rate, and you can maintain for 30 to 60 minutes. Use the talk test... if you can't speak without gasping for air you are walking too fast. If you are walking slow enough that you can carry a tune you are probably walking too slow.

등산화 겸용 워킹화가 무거워서, 가벼운 여름 나이키 워킹화를 신고 며칠 걸었더니 물집이 잡히지 않던 곳에 물집이 잡힌다. (3, 4번 발가락 사이.).  그 나이키 신발이 슬림해서 예뻐서 샀는데 아무래도 내 발가락들을 조이나보다.  (등산화는 아무 문제 없었는데).

그렇다면, 나는 '에코' 워킹화를 신거나 아니면 뉴발란스에서 폭이 넓은 워킹화를 골라서 신는것이 마땅하겠다. (전에 뉴발란스 워킹화 신을 때는 이런 문제가 안생겼었지...) 

발가락 사이에 물집이 잡혀서 아프니까, 자연히 걷는 자세가 달라지고, 그러니까 멀쩡하던 발목과 발등의 미세한 근육들이 아프다고 소리를 지른다.  Keen Women's Whisper Sandal 은 나이키 워킹화보다는 안정적이다. 하지만 4마일 이상 걷기에는 무리스러운 듯.  


  1. 발 볼이 슬림해서 예쁜 나이키워킹화는 내 발에는 적합하지 않다. 그냥 한시간 정도 바람 쐴때 신기에 적합. 
  2. Ecco 트레킹화는 내 발에 최적 (단 무거운 것이 흠)
  3. 뭉툭해서 폼이 안 나는 뉴밸런스 워킹화가 내 발에 적합한 듯 ... (한숨... 폼이 안나요 폼이)
  4. 킨 샌들은 한시간 정도 워킹할 때 적절. 

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Posted by Lee Eunmee